How To Clean Pressed Wood Kitchen Cabinets
Kitchen cabinets undergo a lot of wear and tear. Grease, food particles and dust can build up on the cabinets and be difficult to remove, so it's a good idea to clean your cabinets often. When you need to do a deep cleaning, using a natural cleanser like baking soda will prevent the varnish from coming off. Finish a thorough cleaning by polishing your wooden cabinets to make them look new again.
Make a vinegar solution. Mix a cup of white vinegar with a cup of water. This mild cleaning solution is perfect for everyday use on wooden cabinets. It won't warp the wood or take off the finish.
- If you dislike cleaning with vinegar, you can use a light soap solution instead. Mix a teaspoon of dish soap with a cup of water. You can also use a commercial household degreaser solution, if you have one.
- Do not use harsh all-purpose cleansers on your cabinets. They may cause discoloration and warping.
Wipe the outside of the cabinets after cooking. Grease and food particles can accumulate on cabinet surfaces every time you cook. Wiping down your cabinets every time you cook will go a long way toward keeping them in good shape. Dip a clean washcloth or cleaning rag into the vinegar solution and use it to wipe down the cabinet doors and underneath the cabinets.
- You don't want to get the cabinets soaking wet, because moisture may warp the wood. Wring out the cloth you're using so that it's damp, but not dripping.
- The vinegar smell will go away as soon as the cabinets dry.
- If the vinegar solution doesn't work, you may have to purchase a household degreaser solution.
Dry the cabinets with a clean cloth. Since moisture sitting on the cabinets can cause the wood to warp, go back over the cabinets with a clean, dry cloth to remove all traces of cleaning solution.
- Make sure to dry the cabinets quickly after spraying them with the solution. Otherwise, the solution can damage the wood.[1]
Regularly clean out the inside of the cabinets. Spices and other foods you store in your cabinets are likely to spill sometimes, so keep the inside of your cabinets clean by wiping them out every few weeks. Remove everything from your cabinets, and wipe the cabinets out with a gentle vinegar or soap solution. Dry the cabinets with a clean towel, then put everything back on the shelves.
- If you deal with a lot of spilled food in your cabinets, you might want to invest in some good food storage containers. Using glass or metal jars to store spices and dry goods protects the food from bugs and keeps spills to a minimum.
- Cabinet liners can make cleaning the inside of your cabinets easy. Consider lining your cabinets with rubber liners; when it's time to clean out your cabinets, you can just remove the liners, rinse and dry them, and put them back in the cabinets.
Dust the cabinets regularly. For mild dust accumulation and buffing, use a soft and dry cloth to clean both the cabinet's interior and exterior surfaces. It's particularly important to dust the outside of your kitchen cabinets regularly, because the grease and steam produced during cooking will cake the dust onto cabinet surfaces, making it harder to clean off if you do it infrequently.
Purchase oil soap wood cleaner. This product is designed to remove grease and other caked-on substances without damaging wooden surfaces. Oil soap is stronger than vinegar or a simple dish soap solution, so it's a good product to have on hand when you want to give your cabinets a deep cleaning. If your cabinets have a layer of caked-on, sticky grease, oil soap is what you want to use to clean them.[2]
- Murphy's Oil Soap is one of the most popular brands.
- If you find that you need something a little stronger, try an industrial degreaser solution.
Test the cleaner in an inconspicuous spot. If the varnish turns white or hazy, then do not use the cleaner and test an alternative mild soap solution.[3]
Apply the oil soap to your cabinets. Use a soft cloth to rub the oil soap on your cabinets using a circular motion. Avoid pressing too hard, since you don't want to scrape off the varnish. Continue rubbing the oil soap into the cabinet surface until all the caked-on grease has been removed.
- Make sure you don't scrub the cabinets with an abrasive wipe, like a rough sponge or steel wool, as this could scratch the cabinet and leave marks.[4]
Go back over the cabinets with a clean cloth. Remove all residue from the grease and oil cleanser so that the surface of your cabinets is entirely clean.
Use baking soda to handle thick caked-on substances. Food spills left unattended for a long time can harden and become quite difficult to remove. Baking soda acts as a mild abrasive that will remove the dried substance without ruining your wood. Mix baking soda with enough water to make a thick paste. Dip a cloth in the paste and use it to scrub off the caked-on substance.
- If the substance still won't budge, apply the paste and let it soak in for 15 minutes before you scrub it away.
- You may want to use a thin spatula or another tool to help scrape off the substance. Be very careful not to scratch your cabinet.
Choose a furniture polish or wax. A polished cabinet exterior will give your kitchen a warm and lustrous look by bringing out the true character of the wood. Most polishes will leave either a high shine or a low luster, so choose the one that suits your preferences and the look of your kitchen.[5]
Make sure the cabinets are clean before applying polish. Applying polish over grease and dust will result in a mess, so be sure clean your cabinets before polishing. Remove all grease and caked-on food, then run a clean cloth over the cabinets to collect residue and dust before proceeding.
Apply the polish to a clean, dry cloth. Use a soft towel or microfiber cloth to avoid scratching the wood.
Rub the polish over a small area of the cabinet's exterior. Work in four or five-inch sections in order to make sure the entire surface of the cabinets get evenly polished. Rub the polish in a gentle circular motion.[6]
- If you're using wax to polish your cabinets, let it sit for a few minutes before proceeding to the next step.
Buff the area with a second clean cloth. This removes the excess polish, leaving the spot gleaming and shiny.
Continue polishing and buffing. Move on to the next small area until you finish polishing and buffing the entire exterior of your cabinets.
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Where can I find Thomasville Kitchen Polish?
Mark Spelman is a General Contractor based in Austin, Texas. With over 30 years of construction experience, Mark specializes in constructing interiors, project management, and project estimation. He has been a construction professional since 1987.
Construction Professional
Expert Answer
Check the Thomasville website. They should have a list of stores in your area that carry the product you're looking for.
What are common mistakes people make when cleaning wood cabinets?
Raymond Chiu is the Director of Operations for, a residential and commercial cleaning service based in New York City that provides home and office cleaning services at affordable prices. He has a Bachelors in Business Administration and Management from Baruch College.
House Cleaning Professional
Expert Answer
A mistake with cleaning wooden cabinets including using too much solution/water. This can seep into the wood and potentially damage it. Also, using a highly abrasive material or scrubbing too hard can damage the surface of the wood. Another mistake is not cleaning a test spot in an inconspicuous area before using a product on the entire area to avoid potential, irreversible damage to the wood.
How do I remove a stain from my stainless steel sink?
Lemon juice usually helps. Squeeze some on there and let it stand for a minute or two, then wipe. You can also try baking soda. Leave that on for 5-10 minutes. Baking soda is also good for controlling odors.
For inside the cabinets, do I repeat the same cleaning process I do on the outside?
Yes, but cleaning the small crevices is hard so use a toothbrush or paintbrush.
Where can I find oil soap?
Murphy's oil soap can be found at your local grocery store or Walmart, Target, Kmart ,etc. It will be with the other household cleaners.
How do I clean light wood that has a yellow tinge?
Degreaser works well. Then I use Dawn soap and water.
I thought I could use polish to remove greasy dried food. Will I be able to get the mess off with baking soda/vinegar?
Clean with warm soap and water, rinse, dry well and wait until it is completely dry, then polish with paste wax. I like Johnson and Johnson.
How do I get rid of smells in my cupboards?
Rinse them with white vinegar, then put a bowl of baking soda inside for a week.
Can I use the Murphy oil soap on my laminated wood floor?
Yes, but make sure the mop is damp only, minimal water! Use paste wax to make them easier to clean and stay nice.
How do I clean around the handles of wood kitchen cabinets if they are sticky?
Take handles off, soak them in Dawn and water while you clean the wood. Use toothbrush to clean handles, then dry and reinstall. An essential oil like tea tree or eucalyptus is another option for removing stickiness; just wipe around the sticky area to remove but be sure to wear gloves to protect your skin.
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Rubber gloves will protect your hands from damage when using stronger cleaners.
Do not use natural turpentine on a varnished surface because natural turpentine will leave a sticky residue.
Mineral spirits and synthetic turpentine are flammable. Do not use these products near a flame or a spark, and do not smoke while using these products.
Things You'll Need
- Multiple soft and dry cloths
- Water
- Vinegar
- Mild hand soap
- Oil soap wood cleaner
- Baking soda
- Bucket or large bowl
- Soft cloths
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Article SummaryX
To clean wood kitchen cabinets, make a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water. Use a cloth to wipe down the cabinets with the vinegar and water solution, and then dry the cabinets with a clean, dry towel to prevent warping. For deeper cleaning, spray oil soap wood cleaner onto the cabinets and gently rub it in with a towel. Remove any excess cleaner with a dry towel after the cabinets are cleaned. For tips on removing caked-on food and polishing wood cabinets, keep reading!
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How To Clean Pressed Wood Kitchen Cabinets
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